The M.G.T. and the G.C.C. stand for the Muslin Girls Training and the General Civilization Class.  One purpose for these groups are to teach the women and girls how to be good housekeepers, how to fulfill their roles as wives and mothers, how to rear a child, how to sew cook and in general how to act at home and abroad. The women who are later on accepted into the M.G.T must be dedicated to the uplifting of their race and trained in the art of the elimination of all forms of juvenile delinquency.
Females have and continue to suffer the abuse of men and the abuse of society. Our world has not fully understood the extreme importance and tremendous value of the women. The Holy Qur’an teaches that both male and female have the same essence or come from the the essence Allah, the All Wise God. In order to create a new world, there must be a better understanding of the female, in which can give men a clearer understanding of self and of Allah (God).